Common Name:- None
Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Artemisia (Gr) Dioscorides' name for Artemis (Diana), wife of Mausolus,
of Caria, Asia Minor.
Inculta (L) Vulgar, common.
General description:- Perennial, intricately branched, suffrutescent perennial,
grey-canescent when young.
1) Slender up to 40 cm with short lateral branches.
1) Rosette,1- or 2-pinnatisect.
2) Cauline, small, mostly, in axillary fascicles.
1) Inflorescence a broad panicle.
2) Capitula erect or nodding, 2.0-4.5 mm, oblong-campanulate.
3) Receptacle glabrous or sparsely pilose.
4) Florets 2-4, hermaphrodite.
5) Corolla reddish, glabrous.
1) Achenes c. 1.5 mm, narrowly obovoid, obscurely ribbed.
Key features:-
1) Suffrutescent perennials.
2) Leaf segments narrower.
3) Cauline leaves not more than 10 mm, mostly in axillary fascicles.
Habitat:- Along roads in open, semi-natural woodland of Pinus halopensis ssp.
brutia on soft marly limestone. 0-100 m.
Distribution:- No other Greek records. - Also in Cyrenaica and perhaps elsewhere;
belonging to the A. herba-alba complex of Irano-Turanian steppe vegetaion.
Comment:- Plants from Gavdos have been inaccurately referred to A. herba-alba
Asso in previous floristic literature. They belong to a S Mediterranean and Irano-
Turanian complex in need of taxonomic revision. Plants from Cyrenaica are
apparently conspecific and indicate a phytogeographical connection across the
Libyan Sea. (1)
Flowering time:- In May.
Photos by:- Jenny Neal
1) Atlas of the Aegean Flora, Book 1 Arne Strid 2016